Special transformers

We're globally recognized for our innovative special transformers and MV reactors, a legacy built on years of expertise and modern breakthroughs in the field. Our product portfolio includes grounding transformers, rectifier transformers, auxiliary transformers, generator transformers, transformers for test stations, vibration-resistant transformers, transformers for mobile substations, electric traction transformers, and auxiliary autotransformers.

Specijalni transformatori

Our special transformers are designed and tested in compliance with national standards and customer-specific requirements. They are designed and manufactured according to the highest quality standards, harnessing the most advanced methods for calculating electrical characteristics, mechanical design, manufacturing processes, and final inspections.

We place significant emphasis on corrosion protection to ensure optimal performance in diverse environmental conditions where our special transformers are installed. 

Auxiliary transformers

Auxiliary transformers are essential for powering auxiliary circuits and devices within the power system. They supply the internal consumption needs of transformer substations, power plants, and industrial facilities.

Pomoćni distributivni transformatori

Grounding transformers

Grounding transformers facilitate the grounding of isolated three-phase systems when it cannot be achieved via the existing power transformer. The design is based on the specified flow or fault currents and duration, as well as zero-sequence impedance. We also manufacture grounding transformers with auxiliary windings capable of supplying the internal consumption of low-voltage auxiliary circuits within the substation. Additionally, upon customer request, we can design a stabilization tertiary winding to reduce magnetic flux in the event of a single-phase fault.

Transformatori za uzemljenje mreže

Transformers for offshore power plants

We specialize in manufacturing auxiliary, grounding, and grounding-auxiliary transformers for installation on offshore wind farm platforms, whether for partial or full offshore applications. To ensure our transformers can withstand the offshore environment, we rigorously select equipment and manufacture them with exceptional durability. Tailored to customer specifications, we also provide vibration resistance calculations and perform load and stress analyses on transformer mounting elements.

Transformatori za odobalne (offshore) elektrane

Vibration-resistant transformers

We manufacture vibration-resistant transformers that are primarily used in open-pit mines and on large industrial machines, where they endure continuous vibrations and harsh, polluted environments.

Transformatori otporni na vibracije

Transformers for mobile substations

Transformers for mobile substations are designed to be mounted on various types of vehicles, which impose specific design challenges and performance requirements on the transformer.

Transformatori za mobilne transformatorske stanice

Rectifier transformers

We manufacture transformers used in power plants and industrial facilities where the presence of higher harmonics in current and voltage waveforms imposes additional design requirements.

Ispravljački transformatori


We produce arc suppression coils that limit short-circuit currents in the grid, as well as reactors for compensating capacitive currents. Our reactors can be designed as single-phase or three-phase, either housed or un-housed, in dry-type or liquid-filled configurations. They can be equipped with or without inductance regulation and can feature either magnetic cores with air gaps or be coreless.


Electric traction transformers

We manufacture transformers installed in locomotives or trains, connecting to the overhead contact system and supplying power to all onboard consumers. Additionally, we produce autotransformers located in traction substations along the railway, which supply power to the overhead contact system.

Transformatori za električnu vuču

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KONČAR – Distribution and Special Transformers
Josipa Mokrovića 8, 10090 Zagreb, Croatia
Tel: +385 1 3783 777
E-mail: info@koncar-dst.hr